Fathers' Rights Advocacy in San Antonio
Advocating for Fathers' Rights in San Antonio
Fathers have important rights when it comes to their children. In Texas, children have a right to maintain a meaningful relationship with both parents. Fathers can seek to be included in decisions about their children, have equal parenting time, and have child support payments modified. If you have questions about your rights as a father, speak to an experienced family lawyer in San Antonio.
At Wilson Law, we handle all kinds of family law matters. We understand the impact divorce and child custody cases can have on fathers and their families. We will work hard to help you obtain the outcome you want. We offer a free initial consultation, so contact us today to get started.
Call (210) 405-4919 or contact us online to get started with a consultation.
Understanding Fathers' Rights in Texas
In Texas, both the mother and father of a child have parental rights. Mother and father are both equally responsible for supporting and caring for their child. However, the court can award sole or joint custody of a child to either parent.
When deciding on custody, the court will consider certain factors. These include the child's age, the child's preference, the parents' willingness to cooperate, and the parents' ability to provide a nurturing environment for the child. The court will also consider any history of domestic violence between the parents when deciding on custody.
In Texas, both mothers and fathers can request a modification of their child support obligations. Parents are also able to request that they share custody of their child. To do this, both parents must be able to work together and agree on a parenting plan for the child.
Consult a San Antonio Father's Rights Lawyer Today
Wilson Law offers a free initial consultation, so contact us today to get started. We are happy to answer your questions and discuss your legal options.
We can be reached by phone at (210) 405-4919 or online via our contact form.
Have Questions?
We Have Answers!
What is a “legal separation?”Texas, unlike other states, does not recognize a “legal separation.” Instead, temporary orders concerning marital issues (financial issues, child conservatorship, matters of residence) can be granted while a divorce is pending.
What does a “temporary order” mean in Texas?
Texas law does not recognize “legal separations.” Instead, after a divorce is filed, either party may request a “temporary order,” which determines the temporary situation until the divorce is decreed.
For example, a temporary order can dictate who will remain in the house, pay what bills, and visitation matters for the non-custodial parent. It’s important to understand that a temporary order is not always required.
Also, if the parties involved agree to the temporary order, there may not need to be a hearing. However, some situations are so volatile that a judge is asked to impose a temporary order after listening to the evidence presented.
In Texas, is marital property automatically divided 50/50?Texas law does not insist that property must be divided equally. Instead, a judge will divide the community estate into a “just and right” division.